Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Home Stretch

Woo! Meal plan! This will be week four of cooking something new every night. My goal is to go a full month so we're almost there. This week in food:

Monday: Pork Chops with Caesar Salad
Tuesday: Sweet Pepper Chicken with 5 Spice
Wednesday: Hamburgers with Sweet Potato Oven Fries
Thursday: Grilled Halibut with Blackeyed Peas
Friday: Beef Stroganoff

My next goal is to create more variety in my side items. I know how to cook very few non-starchy items and none that my husband likes, so it's a hurdle. Ever since our computer broke, and I lost my meal planning widget, Mindful Menus has been a great motivator to keep us eating in and organized. To join in, click Mindful Menus


Stephanie said...

Something new every night?! That's an ambitious goal! How cool that you're almost there!

We probably eat too many starchy sides around here too. Actually, I know we do. The other night, though, I cooked up some chicken in olive oil, removed it from the pan, and then sauteed cauliflower in the same pan. Holy cow, it turned out good! I was thinking, who needs mashed potatoes?

Jenna said...

Great to have you again on Mindful Menus! We make smashed cauliflower all the time in place of mashed potatoes. Although, this week the girls really wanted the real thing. LOL. Keep up the good work. It WILL pay off, I promise!

PS You may get even more comments if you add Name and URL as a comment option. :-)

Summer said...

I do want to experiment more with cauliflower, and Guy Fieri (who I got the Sweet potato fries recipe from) has something I've been meaning to try. Thanks for the tips ladies!

And Jenna, good catch I will have to look into that.