Sunday, December 5, 2010

I have a new blog!

I'm not abandoning this one, but I'm looking to get back to the more cooking/kid stuff here for a while, but in my quest to avoid doing anything I ought to be doing like house cleaning, I've decided to set up a new blog for displaying the sketches I do while working my way through 642 Things to Draw, and for displaying any other projects I might work on.

It's funny, one of the main reasons I stopped taking art classes was I hated critique. I didn't mind getting input from others but I hated having to talk about what I had done. I just didn't ever feel like saying anything. But so far it's been easy to talk about random stuff. I guess maybe it's because a blog is exactly ideal for going on and on about yourself even, and maybe especially, when said stuff is completely inconsequential.

Anyway, come on over and see me at Self-Indulgent Exhibitionism!


Unknown said...

Hi! I just found your post and your blog working your way thru 642 Things to Draw. Its great. I write Chronicle Books art & design blog and I'd love to feature you blog on our site. You can find out blog at

Please get in touch so we can discuss.

Patti Quill

Summer said...

Hi Patti,
Wow! That sounds awesome. I'll send you an e-mail tonight.